
I am an avid Kennedy fan, (with Jackie being my Favorite of course!) And have dedicated a bunch of my time to replicating her amazing outfits, as well as creating my own! I thought I would share them, Also will be posting doll clothing/sewing tips and thing's I've found along the way. I love to sew for my "Jackie Doll." I hope you enjoy my creations! If you have created doll outfits I would also love to hear about your creations! Please feel free to leave a comment. Questions are always welcome at my email also.

Please email me at mrskennedy72829@gmail.com if you have any questions/comments.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Black Evening Gown!

Really loving this one! Jackie wore this black one shouldered evening gown to a state dinner in late 1961. It looked just amazing on her, I re created it using the same material but just moved the shoulder to the opposite side! This looks amazing on the doll as well. Also complete with some earrings, pearls, and white gloves. 

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